Happy Wednesday! Hope the second part of your week is off to a good start, who's ready for the weekend already???This girl is very ready. So, there is going to be a little change to our Cole updates. Instead of doing long weekly updates, I have decided to go to monthly updates. But don't worry, I will still get those weekly pictures in! For some reason, this one post every week is very difficult for me to keep up with. Like I have previously said, I spend all my free time with Cole, and when he is finally asleep (at night, we all know the kid doesn't do naps) I try to catch up on all the necessities like laundry, washing bottles, packing my lunch for the next day, or catching up on DVR with Ross.
For now, here is my little ham at weeks 19 and 20.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Friday, October 25, 2013
Cole- 18 weeks (October 23, 2013)
Weight- 12 lb 12 ounces at his appointment last Friday
Health-Poor little guy's cold got worse on Tuesday, he lost his voice (saddest thing ever) and developed a productive cough. Luckily no fever, eating and sleeping great. And he has been a trooper, such a tough guy. Got his 4 month shots last Friday and did so good. He wasn't himself for a few days afterwards.
Sleep- Still great night sleeper. Naps have been even more difficult since he has been sick, he only wants to sleep in my arms (i secretly love it). We are back to swaddling for naps, his flailing arms wake him up.
Diet- Momma's milk. Still every 3 hours or so during the day. Taking 5 ounces each time at daycare. Spitting up has gotten a little better.
Clothes- Still 0-3, but needs 3-6 month sleepers because of his length. Size 1 diapers
Development- I still have a blue eyed brown hair little man on my hands. Fine motor skills improving every day. Neck and back getting stronger everyday. Hand eye coordination is becoming very good.
Cole's seat during dinner |
Crying- The only time he really tries to cry is when he is burped, and that's because he is impatient and wants to finish eating.
Likes/Dislikes- Bath time is still his favorite time of day. Loves watching TV, though I try to keep him from doing so. Dislikes burping, wiping his nose with a boogie wipe, and being cradled in your arms. He likes to be held upright.
Milestones- We have laughter!! His first laugh was last Friday night, Ross and I were playing on the floor with him and he let out a belly laugh, melted our heart. So glad we were both there to experience it. Also rolling over from his tummy to his back every time we do tummy time.
Happy boy after his shots |
getting ready for cool weather |
Monday, October 21, 2013
Cole-4 months old
I am a little behind on posts, but what's a girl to do when she would rather spend time with her little man instead of on the computer. So please forgive the late post, there was lots of play time to be had with this growing boy the past few weeks!
Every time I look at you, Cole, i thank God for blessing us with such an amazing little man. You make every day seem too short and every night while you sleep seems too long. I love getting to know your personality, your likes and dislikes, your funny facial expressions and even those cute little noises you make. Everyday I wonder how I could possibly love something more, but then every second I am with you I find more and more things to love about you. This month i especially love your big gummy smiles, your new found ability to remain content when we are shopping, your love for me singing the wheels on the bus, and your little thighs that can't decide if they want to become chubby or not (i vote YES). I want to say I can't believe you are 4 months, but that would be a lie. I can't remember my life without you, nor do I want to. I am trying not to get too worked up about you having a bad day at daycare or your resistance to nap, all babies and mommies have bad days. But please remember, if I do shed a few overwhelming tears, its because I love you and want nothing but the best for you. I love you Cole Michael, to the moon and back!
Every time I look at you, Cole, i thank God for blessing us with such an amazing little man. You make every day seem too short and every night while you sleep seems too long. I love getting to know your personality, your likes and dislikes, your funny facial expressions and even those cute little noises you make. Everyday I wonder how I could possibly love something more, but then every second I am with you I find more and more things to love about you. This month i especially love your big gummy smiles, your new found ability to remain content when we are shopping, your love for me singing the wheels on the bus, and your little thighs that can't decide if they want to become chubby or not (i vote YES). I want to say I can't believe you are 4 months, but that would be a lie. I can't remember my life without you, nor do I want to. I am trying not to get too worked up about you having a bad day at daycare or your resistance to nap, all babies and mommies have bad days. But please remember, if I do shed a few overwhelming tears, its because I love you and want nothing but the best for you. I love you Cole Michael, to the moon and back!
Cole- 17 weeks (October 15, 2013)
Weight-At his appt today he was 12 lbs, 12 oz (4th percentile) and 25 inches long (42 percentile). Still a little peanut, but the Dr. wasn't concerned since he started so little.
Health- Still just a little stuffy, but doesn't bother him. Reflux has been showing up, but he is tough and it doesn't seem to hurt him.
Sleep- Sleeping from 8:30 pm to about 7 am. Naps are still hit or miss, usually 3 45 minute snoozers and likes to take another 30 minute nap around 6 pm while mom is cooking dinner
Diet- Breastfeeding is going awesome. He hasn't been as satisfied with his bottles lately, so we have increased him to 5 oz about every 3 hours during the day
Clothes-Still sporting his 0-3 clothes. Sleepers are definitely getting a little short, but he drowns in 3-6 month. Size 1 diapers
Development- Becoming more and more active everyday. Sitting up in the bumbo longer, holding his head up during tummy time and rolling from his tummy to his back. Also has quite the grip on his toys. Tracks mom and dad and the puppies around the room and turns to our voices.
Crying- Cries when having to stop eating to burp and fusses when he gets tired
Likes/Dislikes- Still loves his baths, weight rattle and TV. He is mesmerized by watching tv. Dislikes not seeing mom or dad around him, getting his nose sucked out, and burping.
Milestones- He has been playing in the jumper at daycare and they said he does great. So we are going to get ours out this weekend. Cole also attended his first softball game, he was able to watch his cousin Sicily play. And of course he had a little photo shoot in honor of Aunt Jojo and her Packers.
Packers gear for Aunt Jojo |
softball game |
Go big red |
Friday, October 11, 2013
Cole- 16 weeks (October 8, 2013)
Weight- we will find out next week at his 4 month check up. My guess is 13lb, 6 oz
Health- Still has a little congestion, but its finally draining so its much better. We elevated the head of his bed and made 'bumpers' under the sheets so he doesn't end up at the bottom of the bed. Humidifier and suctioning his nose has helped too- Love the Nose Frieda
Sleep- Sleeps like a champ at night (8:30 pm to 7 am and I wake him to feed at 4 before I leave for the gym-but we are gonna try to cut this feeding out). Naps are hit or miss- work in progress
Diet- Still eating 4 oz every 2 1/2 -3 hrs at daycare and nurses great at home
Clothes- Still in 0-3 onsies, shorts and pants. 3-6 month footed pj's. Size 1 diaper and small sleep slacks
Development- Changing daily. He now likes to hold his own bottle for short periods of time. Reaches for toys and LOVES hanging on to his dumbbell rattle that Auntie Kiki (Katie) bought him. Rolling from his tummy to his back sometimes too. Still sporting those blue eyes and hair is a light brown.
Crying- Mainly fusses when he is hungry and tired. Or when he has a belly ache because momma ate something accidentally with dairy in it.
Likes/Dislikes- Still loves his baths, watching tv(sports with dad), singing songs, playing on his activity mat and sucking on his hand or arm. Dislikes getting his nose sucked out, interrupting his feeding time for burps, and not being able to see the tv
Milestones-Can't believe my baby is almost 4 months old. He officially is not a newborn anymore. He amazes him mom and dad every day and we love talking about what kind of person he is going to grow up to be.
Happy 16 weeks Cole Michael!!!
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
7 things I didn't read about in a pregnancy/baby book
No matter how much you prepare(or think you are) for a baby/pregnancy there will always be surprises. Nothing ever goes like the books describe it or even how a friend experienced it. But, for the most part, you have an idea of what to expect, at least enough to somewhat prepare yourself. The when and how is what is left for surprise. I knew I wouldn't get much sleep or have time to sit and eat a full meal without interruption. I planned on not showering every day or seeing my pre-pregnancy body overnight. I tried to prepare for hormonal ups and downs and random crying spells. And I somewhat was ready for sore nipples and living in nursing tops.
But, there are things I have experienced that I was not prepared for. Things i didn't even think came with new mothethood. So , consider yourself OFFICIALLY WARNED. It's not pretty, it's not fun, but it comes with the package.
1. Night sweats. Since about a week post delivery, I have woken up every night drenched in sweat. I'm not talking about a little back sweat, I am talking change of cloths at 3 am sweats. I thought it was me just being hot in the middle of summer, later to find out its part if the hormonal transition of breast feeding. So, if you were around the first month before I had figured this out, I am sorry. I am sure no amount of deodorant could help mask the smell of breast milk and sweat. New momma's, invest in a good fan, you will need it.
2.Hair loss I didn't think anything of all the hair I was loosing at about 2 months post delivery. I just thought since I wasn't washing my hair as often and pulling my hair back with hair bands everyday I was just loosing a little extra hair. Well, that little turned into a lot. Now I have a baseball size wad every time I shower or comb thru my hair. Apparently its normal for whatever reason. Not cool.
3. Back Pain Between bending over at the changing table to constantly 'bouncing' with a little fussy baby, your back will take a toll. Plus, if you are breast feeding, don't forget about the extra "luggage" you are carrying around on your chest. And this isn't just for moms, dads will experience it too, minus the luggage part. My husband and I took shifts when Cole had bouts of reflux and wouldn't stop crying because our back would be screaming too. So my suggestion is, first time away from the house without your little, hit up the spa for a quick massage, you will need it.
4. Some Infants don't sleep I thought all babies, especially newborns, ate then pooped then slept. Wrong. Mine liked to completely skip the whole sleep part. Or he would play a little trickery on momma and sleep long enough for me to lay down, cover up, close my eyes, then WAHHHHHHH. Took me a while to accept it, and I am not sure I fully accept or understand it still, but not all babies are nappers. Sorry momma's, just gotta deal until they are ready to start sleeping during the day.
5. Infant poop stains cloths Those cute white onsies are inexpensive for a reason. You will end up throwing half of them away. You will not have time to wash them out right away let alone get stain lifter on. So don't be surprised when you pull them out of the dryer with little yellow spots.
6. Those cute baby outfits are NOT PRACTICAL Towards the end of pregnancy I went a little nuts buying 'cute' baby outfits and accessories. How could you not, little trouser shorts and a polo, stop it, too cute. I knew as a newborn he wouldn't be wearing any of this, but I fully intended on him going to daycare looking all GQ. Well, that aint happening. For one, some of those outfits with hoods or lots of buttons/snaps/zippers aren't comfortable when the babe is playing on the mat or doing tummy time at daycare. And when he naps, they put him in his swaddle sack, clothed, and of course don't have time to change him into his "napping outfit" like I did at home. Now he has all these cute outfits that he wears for like an hour if we go to the store or visit friends on my days off or the weekends. At least they look cute hanging on those tiny little hangers in his closet-right??
7.White noise The only thing that would calm Cole down when he would get himself all worked up from reflux or an upset tummy, was the hood vent above the stove. I thought that was an old wives tale, that loud noises calm a baby. Nope, this is a real thing, a life saver in fact. I can't tell you how many hours Ross and I stood in front of the stove with Cole, vent on high. Or how I was measuring the kitchen to see if his pack and play would fit in front of the stove. It works, thank god.
But, for this face, its all worth it!!! Happy Tuesday all.
Linking up again with Kristin and her adorable little angel Kenley for BabyTalk
3. Back Pain Between bending over at the changing table to constantly 'bouncing' with a little fussy baby, your back will take a toll. Plus, if you are breast feeding, don't forget about the extra "luggage" you are carrying around on your chest. And this isn't just for moms, dads will experience it too, minus the luggage part. My husband and I took shifts when Cole had bouts of reflux and wouldn't stop crying because our back would be screaming too. So my suggestion is, first time away from the house without your little, hit up the spa for a quick massage, you will need it.
4. Some Infants don't sleep I thought all babies, especially newborns, ate then pooped then slept. Wrong. Mine liked to completely skip the whole sleep part. Or he would play a little trickery on momma and sleep long enough for me to lay down, cover up, close my eyes, then WAHHHHHHH. Took me a while to accept it, and I am not sure I fully accept or understand it still, but not all babies are nappers. Sorry momma's, just gotta deal until they are ready to start sleeping during the day.
5. Infant poop stains cloths Those cute white onsies are inexpensive for a reason. You will end up throwing half of them away. You will not have time to wash them out right away let alone get stain lifter on. So don't be surprised when you pull them out of the dryer with little yellow spots.
6. Those cute baby outfits are NOT PRACTICAL Towards the end of pregnancy I went a little nuts buying 'cute' baby outfits and accessories. How could you not, little trouser shorts and a polo, stop it, too cute. I knew as a newborn he wouldn't be wearing any of this, but I fully intended on him going to daycare looking all GQ. Well, that aint happening. For one, some of those outfits with hoods or lots of buttons/snaps/zippers aren't comfortable when the babe is playing on the mat or doing tummy time at daycare. And when he naps, they put him in his swaddle sack, clothed, and of course don't have time to change him into his "napping outfit" like I did at home. Now he has all these cute outfits that he wears for like an hour if we go to the store or visit friends on my days off or the weekends. At least they look cute hanging on those tiny little hangers in his closet-right??
7.White noise The only thing that would calm Cole down when he would get himself all worked up from reflux or an upset tummy, was the hood vent above the stove. I thought that was an old wives tale, that loud noises calm a baby. Nope, this is a real thing, a life saver in fact. I can't tell you how many hours Ross and I stood in front of the stove with Cole, vent on high. Or how I was measuring the kitchen to see if his pack and play would fit in front of the stove. It works, thank god.
But, for this face, its all worth it!!! Happy Tuesday all.
Linking up again with Kristin and her adorable little angel Kenley for BabyTalk
Friday, October 4, 2013
Cole- 15 weeks (October 1, 2013)
Weight- Still unsure, I think he is packing on the pounds though, legs are filling out nicely
Health- Still congested, but doesn't bother him. We try to suction his nose out, but get nothing. No fever or coughing. Using the humidifier at night and elevating the head of bed (but we find him horizontal and at the bottom in the middle of the night). I have listened to his lungs(nurse in me) and they don't sound terrible, so we are gonna let this run it's own course.
Sleep- Sleeping like a champ at night like always. Naps are different everyday. Seems to be doing ok at daycare, but doesn't nap well at home. Still swaddling for naps only. And gets pacifier for naps.
Diet- No different. 4 ounces every 3 hours during the day and nurses great at night and in the morning
Clothes- 0-3 clothes, size 1 diapers.
Development- hair is lightening up, but still brown with dark blue eyes. Drools A TON. Really grabbing for toys. Cooing and talking a ton, including in the middle of the night.
Crying-Not a lot of crying, fusses when he is tired as well as rubs his eyes and yawns. Cried loud one time last week due to being overly hot at Nanu's bday party.
Likes- sucking on his entire hand, bathtime, watching tv, watching the puppies run around the house, and being held and walked/bounced around the living room. Also loves weekend mornings in his footed jammies!! Dislikes having his nose sucked out, naps, and burping between breasts or ounces(seriously screams-so dramatic)
hand in the mouth- always. hasn't found the thumb yet (fingers crossed) |
Milestones- Attended his first surprise party- for Nanu's 60th. Though he slept right through it.We also had to buy a deep freezer for all the milk that has taken over both freezers. Its seriously insane. Regular old dairy farm over here.
just a boy and his football |
Happy 15 weeks my little angel!!
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Dairy Sensitivity
Let me begin by telling you, this topic has consumed my brain for the past few months. Is he intolerant to dairy or am I being a hypochondriac? Do I stop every single product with milk in it(which is almost everything) or just the big things like yogurt, cheese, and ice cream? Does he seem to act differently or is he just having a good/bad day?? I am telling you, I have OBSESSED over this. I will admit it, I drove myself and my husband crazy with my wishy washy thinking. After a very "preggo brain" moment, it hit me, my poor little guy is not tolerating the dairy that gets transmitted to him through my breast milk. Here's the story..
At the beginning of August, when Cole was about a month and a half old, I started noticing his poops were very slimy and mucousy. Well I jumped on Google and the first thing that popped up was Dairy Sensitivity . I thought, no way, I don't eat that much dairy, my greek yogurt everyday, but that's all. I only drink almond milk, don't eat much cheese, and rarely have ice cream.How could there be that much in my breast milk that it would be affecting him? Then I read on, other symptoms include increased fussiness, especially before having a bowel movement, frequent spitting up, and frequent irritability. HE HAS ALL THAT. Well, at the same time, those are also normal baby traits. After all the research and over analyzing every little thing he did, I decided to go off dairy for 2 weeks(that's how long it takes it to be out of my system) and see if I see any difference. I didn't really notice much change. OK, now my brain and hormones were going crazy, is he just a really fussy baby??? Back to dairy I went.
Fast forward to the first week of September and I noticed his poops getting even more mucousy than usual. I haven't been around many babies or evaluated their poop, but this was not normal breast fed poop. So I called the doctor and they said it sounded like classic Dairy Sensitivity. Pretty much his little gut wasn't mature enough to breakdown the proteins found in cows milk and their by products. This does not mean he is lactose intolerant. So, I went off the dairy again. Did I not go off it long enough last time? Did I need to cut our every product with dairy, is he that sensitive?
Well after about a 10 days, I hadn't noticed any change. ENTER MY AHHH HAAA MOMENT. I was standing at my fridge getting ice, totally spacing off, and I happened to look up at the protein canisters sitting on top of the fridge. Whey Protein, a milk by-product. ARE YOU KIDDING ME, why did I not think of that. FML. A little tid bit of info about me. I love to workout. I love strength training. I have at least one serving of whey protein a day. I am obsessed with Quest bars which are loaded with that delicious whey.
My poor son cannot breakdown all the whey protein I take in on a daily basis. Oh my gosh, it all started back in August when I started back at the gym and increased my protein intake.
So, after stopping all whey protein, I noticed a night and day difference in my sons fussiness and irritability after just 5 days. His poops aren't as mucousy and he just seems so happy. OK, now I can finally relax, we found the culprit.
Eating dairy free is a challenge, everything from granola bars to some cereals have milk products in them. I am always checking labels. I have found a list of products that are milk free and have switched to egg white protein for my afterworkout shakes. I now eat coconut milk yogurt and have discovered Luna fiber bars are non dairy and freakin good. Low sugar, high fiber and a touch of protein. And I have discovered a few Starbucks located inside grocery stores that carry almond milk to make my much needed latte's!!
It's been a very trying few months, but I am so happy we figured out what was making my little guy so unhappy. The doctor said some babies grow out of it starting at 6 months, so I may try re introducing some products into my diet in a few months. Like I said, eating dairy free can be quite challenging, but its worth it. I would do anything I had to do to see this smile.
At the beginning of August, when Cole was about a month and a half old, I started noticing his poops were very slimy and mucousy. Well I jumped on Google and the first thing that popped up was Dairy Sensitivity . I thought, no way, I don't eat that much dairy, my greek yogurt everyday, but that's all. I only drink almond milk, don't eat much cheese, and rarely have ice cream.How could there be that much in my breast milk that it would be affecting him? Then I read on, other symptoms include increased fussiness, especially before having a bowel movement, frequent spitting up, and frequent irritability. HE HAS ALL THAT. Well, at the same time, those are also normal baby traits. After all the research and over analyzing every little thing he did, I decided to go off dairy for 2 weeks(that's how long it takes it to be out of my system) and see if I see any difference. I didn't really notice much change. OK, now my brain and hormones were going crazy, is he just a really fussy baby??? Back to dairy I went.
Fast forward to the first week of September and I noticed his poops getting even more mucousy than usual. I haven't been around many babies or evaluated their poop, but this was not normal breast fed poop. So I called the doctor and they said it sounded like classic Dairy Sensitivity. Pretty much his little gut wasn't mature enough to breakdown the proteins found in cows milk and their by products. This does not mean he is lactose intolerant. So, I went off the dairy again. Did I not go off it long enough last time? Did I need to cut our every product with dairy, is he that sensitive?
Well after about a 10 days, I hadn't noticed any change. ENTER MY AHHH HAAA MOMENT. I was standing at my fridge getting ice, totally spacing off, and I happened to look up at the protein canisters sitting on top of the fridge. Whey Protein, a milk by-product. ARE YOU KIDDING ME, why did I not think of that. FML. A little tid bit of info about me. I love to workout. I love strength training. I have at least one serving of whey protein a day. I am obsessed with Quest bars which are loaded with that delicious whey.
My poor son cannot breakdown all the whey protein I take in on a daily basis. Oh my gosh, it all started back in August when I started back at the gym and increased my protein intake.
So, after stopping all whey protein, I noticed a night and day difference in my sons fussiness and irritability after just 5 days. His poops aren't as mucousy and he just seems so happy. OK, now I can finally relax, we found the culprit.
Eating dairy free is a challenge, everything from granola bars to some cereals have milk products in them. I am always checking labels. I have found a list of products that are milk free and have switched to egg white protein for my afterworkout shakes. I now eat coconut milk yogurt and have discovered Luna fiber bars are non dairy and freakin good. Low sugar, high fiber and a touch of protein. And I have discovered a few Starbucks located inside grocery stores that carry almond milk to make my much needed latte's!!
It's been a very trying few months, but I am so happy we figured out what was making my little guy so unhappy. The doctor said some babies grow out of it starting at 6 months, so I may try re introducing some products into my diet in a few months. Like I said, eating dairy free can be quite challenging, but its worth it. I would do anything I had to do to see this smile.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Cole- 14 weeks (September 24, 2013)
Weight-My guess is he is a little over 12lb, but we will see in a few weeks at his 4 month checkup
Health- Still a little congested, mostly in the morning, but it doesn't affect his mood. Using the Nosefrieda in the mornings to clear out his nose-its awesome.Still drooling like crazy, not sure if its teething or what. No problems with reflux, still on Omeprazole
Sleep- Still sleeping from 830 until either 430 when I wake him to eat or sometimes he will sleep until about 6. Naps are getting better. Swaddled, he will take a 1-3 45 minute naps or if we are lucky an almost 2 hour nap. We have found a paci,Nuk brand, that he will take when he goes down for a nap. Usually wakes 10 minutes after being laid down and needs to be soothed by rubbing his belly and paci.
sleeping angel |
Clothes-Still rocking the 0-3 cloths and 1 diapers. 0-3 footed pj's are getting a little bit too short for him, but the gap ones are still good. He wears a lot of rompers from gap or just white onsies and pants/shorts. Sleep sack size small at night.
Development-The last week has been a big week. He is talking more, grabbing at his toys hanging from the playmat, he is able to keep himself entertained with it. Grabbing everything with this hands, especially my hair. Still has brown hair and blueish eyes. Is always kicking his legs-ALWAYS.
playing with his football |
Likes/Dislikes- Loves his playmat, watching tv, baths, singing songs, standing and bearing weight on his legs. Dislikes ears being cleaned out, sun in his face, sitting still for too long at a time.
Milestones- Cole went to his first apple orchard in Nebraska City, he slept in the Bjorn the entire time. He is also doing better at daycare, not as fussy and sleeps a lot better.
apple picking at Kimmel apple orchard |
Friday, September 20, 2013
Happy 3 Months Cole Michael!!
A little late, but Happy 3 months Cole. Thank you for completing mommy and daddy's lives, you truly are the best thing to happen to us. We love you!!
Oh, how you have grown!!
Oh, how you have grown!!
Cole- 13 weeks (September 17, 2013)
Weight- Last Friday, he weighed in at 11 lb, 13 oz.
Health- Last week Cole got his first "cold". He has been congested and has a little post nasal drip which causes a little coughing when laying flat. But, his mood hasn't been affected, so it doesn't seem to phase him much. He even is a good boy when Ross and I aspirate the mucous from his nose. I am still dairy free and we are giving it another week to see if it help his irritability, discomfort before pooping and mucousy stools.
Sleep- Still a rockstar at sleeping during the night. Goes down at 830, feeds at 430 before I leave, then wakes up at 730 for dad. Daycare is still working with him to get him to nap. But...Tuesday(9/17) was the first day he slept 2+hours in his crib at daycare!!!! Now we just need to keep that up!!!
Diet- momma's milk. When drinking from a bottle he takes 4 ounces. Eating about every 3 hours during the day. Spitting up afterwards isn't as bad, but still there.
Clothes- All 0-3. Gap and Old Navy is pretty big still, but Carters and Target fit great. Wearing size 1 diapers
Development- He is now grabbing and swatting at toys on his playmat and "scoots" himself with his legs when laying on the floor. Still doing great with tummytime. Eyes are still blue, hair brown (even though he has lost some of it). He is drooling like crazy these days too. "Talking" a ton these days too. Also likes to stand and bear weight on his legs.
Crying- Still the same, fusses when he is hungry or tired(also rubs eyes).
Likes/Dislikes- Likes his playmat a ton these days, baths, and watching his puppies run around the house.
Dislikes having his face washed, sitting in one spot for too long, and taking his medicine.
Milestones- We had our first football party of the year and he was such a little ham, Mr Social. He also rolled from his tummy to his back again.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
1 Month Favorites
1.Itzbeen Pocket Nanny This may have been our all time favorite baby item EVER, seriously, NO JOKE. Keeps track of how long Itzbeen(get it :)) since the last feeding and diaper change, how long the babes has been sleeping, a timer if baby needs to be woken to eat and a marker to remember which breast he last ate from. Also has a nightlight and a medication timer. Perfect when the hubby gets up in the middle of the night. He doesn't have to wake you to see when you last fed him or when you are so tired you can barely remember your name, you know when you last cared for baby. This is our go to gift for all our friends who become new parents.
2.My Breastfriend Pillow For all breast feeding mommies, this is a must. At first I didn't think I would like it as much as the boppy, I WAS WRONG. Baby lays so much nicer on it, gives you a back support and you can literally go hands free when feeding. Also has a little pocket for a burp cloth, chapstick, you phone, or 15 saltwater taffies (momma gets hungry sitting there). Cover is removable for washing too.
3.Baby Bjorn carrier This was a lifesaver when I was trying to get tasks done around the house, but baby didn't want to be set down. Very easy to use, comfortable, and can use for all stages of infancy. This is the only reason all my flowers didn't die over the summer. I was able to strap in little man and water plants every morning!
4.Summer Baby touch Monitor This monitor made us feel so comfortable having Cole sleep in his crib since the day we brought him home. Put the monitor right next to you and its like he's laying right with you. Camera can scan and zoom, there is a speaker so hubby can talk to you while you are in the nursery and he is in the bedroom. Can operate on battery so you can take the monitor anywhere in the house with you. You can also add additional cameras when the next baby comes and are able to watch both.
5. Lansinoh Lanolin Sore, beat up nips are inevitable if you are breastfeeding, I am talking bleeding and cracking-ouch. This stuff is amazing and will heal and sooth them overnight. Thick like butter and safe for baby so no need to wipe off. Don't mess with other brands, this stuff is like liquid love in a tube.
6. Snuggamonkey Bouncer Our little man loves this. Great for naps, sitting baby upright if they have reflux like our guy, and its lightweight and portable. Easy to move from room to room! Have lots of batteries ready though, it will save you a trip to Target at 9 at night if the vibrator stops and baby is sleeping.
7. Lapped Knit Bundler This Gap sleep sack is AMAZING. So soft, has little mitts to cover babies hands, a little thicker then most bundlers, and makes the many diaper changes so easy because of accessibility. We used these under a swaddle blanket at first, then by itself when we learned our guy hates being swaddled at night. Just stuck a onsie underneath for added warmth.
8.City Mini GT I did so much research on strollers and I am so glad I ended up going with this one. Folds up easy, even with the carseat adapter and has lots of accessories that can be purchased for it. Its lightweight, so you can hold the carseat in one hand and with one pull, the stroller folds up nicely!! This stroller was used everyday during my maternity leave before I got the green light to go back to the gym. Lots of color options too, I went with the black and shadow. Matches our carseat and can be used for either gender.
That first month is so crazy and confusing, but after we figured out what worked for us, these products really helped make life a little easier. What made your life easier, or less crazy, the first month of your babies life?
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Cole- 12 weeks (Septemeber 10,2013)
Weight- Our guess is somewhere around the 12 lb mark, not sure though
Health- Reflux seems good. Spitting up is a TON better. Just a little here and there, no projectile. Lots of drooling though. Also has seemed "stuffed up" when he wakes up in the morning-but clears shortly after. Also has been having some mucousy poops, so we are trying to figure that out-momma went dairy free again. Dr thinks that he has developed a sensitivity-we will see in 2 weeks.
Sleep- Still sleeping from 830pm until 430 am when I WAKE HIM to feed before I go to the gym. He is still protesting naps during the day. Usually gets 2-4 30-45 min naps in. He especially doesn't want anything to do with naps at daycare.
Diet- Momma's milk. When I work he nurses at 4 am before I go to the gym and then 2 times in the evening. He then takes 4- 4ounce bottles during the day.
Clothes- All 0-3 month cloths. They are still a little big on him though. Size 1 diapers
Development- Makes lots of noises, likes to 'talk', especially in the early evening after daycare. Starting to grab on to things like my hair, shirts, my shoulder, and blankets. Still have a blue eyed, brown hair boy.
Crying- He will let you know when his diaper is wet, he's hungry, or tired. He is getting better about 'sitting' with mom and dad on the couch for small periods of time before becoming restless.
Likes/Dislikes- Baths, looking at himself in the mirror, singing songs, and sucking on his fist to sooth himself. Dislikes having his ears cleaned, bright lights, and being left alone in a room.
Milestone- We survived our first week of daycare. It's been a tough transition for him and I am hoping he adapts soon. Luckily he gets lots of snuggles during the day. He attended his first baby shower, for his friend Kennedy, and his first wedding.
catching up on snuggles after a long week at daycare |
first NFL sunday for dad and Cole |
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Kennedy, Cole and Cruz |
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Krueger wedding rehearsal- LOVE our family |
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Cole- 11 weeks (Septemeber 3, 2013)
Football onsie in honor of the start of NFL(its spit up on his shirt, not pee) |
Weight- Still unsure, doesn't seem to be putting on a noticeable amount of weight, just filling out a little more
Health- No problems, reflux is good. Still a lot of spitting up and drooling. Still getting a very mild case of cradle cap along his front hairline, but luckily it just looks like dry skin and isn't gross.
Sleep- Still sleeping great at night in a sleep sack in his crib. Naps are improving if he is swaddled, but they could be better. Still gets tired and fights sleep around 4 in the afternoon.
Diet- Breast milk. When taking a bottle he eats 4 oz. We are about every 3 hours during the day and every 2 1/2 in the evening until bed.
Clothes- Officially out of newborn cloths(only took 2 1/2 months), but his 0-3 cloths are pretty baggy on him. 0-3 shorts fit good around his little buddha belly. Size 1 diaper
Development- Loves hearing his voice. Constantly cooing and grunting. Lots of smiles. Eyes are darkening a little, still blue though. Hair is still brown. Starting to grab on to things, like our shirt when holding him or the blanket when doing tummy time. Soothes himself by sucking on his fist, still wont take a pacifier at all( not sure if that's good or bad). Also starting to fight taking his medicine out of a bottle nipple, so we end up pouring it in and its a huge mess usually.
smiles- what a ham |
Crying- Besides his fussy time of day (4-6pm) he just lets you know if he is tired or hungry. Or if he has a wet diaper. And hasn't been a fan of car rides lately
Likes/Dislikes- Still loving bath time, his playmat and looking at himself in the mirror, singing songs, and his nightly back rub momma gives him. Dislikes interrupting his eating to burp, sitting still, or having his ears cleaned with a q-tip
Milestones- First day of daycare was on 9/3, his teacher said he did well. Mom did very well too, but I couldn't get to him fast enough after work. He was very tired that evening. More on daycare soon. Attended his first Hawkeye/football party at the Lynch's. He was very good, slept through most of it.
first Hawkeye party |
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Cole- 10 weeks (August 27, 2013)
Weight- Not sure, will have to stick little man on the scale next time I am at the grocery store-kidding
Health- No issues. Reflux shows its ugly head a few times a week, but doesn't seem to bother Cole very much.
Sleep- Last week after his shots he woke up once each night to feed at like 1am due to his sleeping ALL DAY. But we are back to sleeping thru the night, down at 8-9 and up to feed before momma goes to the gym at 4. Naps usually happen 2-3 times a day for 30 min-1 1/2 hours. More on our new found naps here.
Sleeps in a sleep sack at night and have been swaddling some of the times during naps.
Diet- Momma's milk, about every 2 1/2- 3 hours during the day. When getting a bottle he gets 4 ounces. And YES, we take Tommee Tippee bottles!!
Clothes- Still fit into some newborn rombers, but are pretty much transitioned to 0-3 month onsies and shorts. Size 1 diapers
Development- Eyes are still a shade of blue, hair is lightening a little, but still brown. Filling out well, chubby little cheeks and thigh rolls are developing nicely!! He's a very strong little boy, lots of kicking with his legs, able to hold his head up when doing tummy time and batting at toys on his mat. Cooing more and more and beginning to mimic mouth movements.
Crying- Doing much better in this department. Fusses when he is hungry, tired or has a belly ache and has to poop. But the colic-like baby has disappeared!!!
Likes/Dislikes- Loves baths, singing songs, eating, watching his puppies play and mat time. Dislikes being hot, burping between ounces or breast, and stopping at stop lights when riding in the car.
Milestones- Nothing major, we survived our first shots with just a little fever spike afterwards. Getting to be a much better shopping buddy, he can give about 2 hours. Spent the evening with Grammie Jan and Nanu while mom and dad went to a wedding last Saturday.
enjoying our days together |
Happy 10 weeks Cole!! Mom and Dad love you so much and enjoy seeing your personality come alive more and more each day. This is the last week we get to spend together before mom goes back to work, but lets not think about that now.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
And then there was light
As I had previously mentioned in Cole's weekly updates he is not a napper, especially in his crib. Well since he is starting daycare in a week, this was causing me severe anxiety. They nap in their cribs there, unfortunately there isn't enough caretakers to hold him while he naps, like at home. All I could picture was him screaming and not napping and being an unhappy little guy. I know that won't actually happen, but in my hormonal brain, that's how I see it.
Well, somehow over the past week, it just clicked. He has allowed me to lay him down 50% asleep and he will nap anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 1/2 hours, in his crib!!!! Swaddling, in a swaddle sack, which we do not do at night, helped for naps, who knew!!! This made for a very happy momma. Its not consistent, but it's possible, and that's all I needed!!
Fast Forward to last Thursday, it's afternoon, when I usually give him a bottle and he HATES every second of it. We have tried every bottle out there and we had yet to find one that he did not choke and gag with causing him to scream and become very irritable. Well, I had one more bottle, a Tommee Tippee (the very first bottle I ever got) that I had yet to try. I had read that the flow was WAY faster then any other nipple, so I obviously held out on that one. I found the Breastflow by The first year worked pretty good, but not perfect, so we had been using that. But, there were conflicting reports about it being BPA free-so I was still on the look out for a new bottle. I was desperate to find something. Back to Thursday, I am in the cupboard grabbing a bottle and figured, might as well try the TT. Well, much to my surprise, he took it awesome. No gagging and crying only when had to be burped, because he doesn't want to stop eating. I was so excited I had tears in my eyes, no joke.
This shed light not only on the napping and bottle situation for me, but on babies in general. You can't rush a baby or 'make' him do anything. They will do everything they are supposed to, how they are supposed to, when they are good and ready. No matter how many books you read or blog posts, every baby is different. And if you try to compare what your baby is doing to another, you will drive yourself crazy.
So, if you are worried because your baby only will sleep in a swing or when being held, give it time. Let your baby tell you what they want and go with it. IT WILL ALL WORK OUT. And the most important thing, do not compare your baby to what google or anyone else for that matter says. I promise this will lead to a very frustrated momma. Do what works for you at that time. Whether that be a strict schedule or not, crib or bassinet, long naps or cat naps, listen to your baby and what makes your life work. Don't force anything that doesn't feel comfortable. Like my situation, it will just happen when your baby is ready.
This shed light not only on the napping and bottle situation for me, but on babies in general. You can't rush a baby or 'make' him do anything. They will do everything they are supposed to, how they are supposed to, when they are good and ready. No matter how many books you read or blog posts, every baby is different. And if you try to compare what your baby is doing to another, you will drive yourself crazy.
So, if you are worried because your baby only will sleep in a swing or when being held, give it time. Let your baby tell you what they want and go with it. IT WILL ALL WORK OUT. And the most important thing, do not compare your baby to what google or anyone else for that matter says. I promise this will lead to a very frustrated momma. Do what works for you at that time. Whether that be a strict schedule or not, crib or bassinet, long naps or cat naps, listen to your baby and what makes your life work. Don't force anything that doesn't feel comfortable. Like my situation, it will just happen when your baby is ready.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Cole- 9 weeks (August 20, 2013)
Weight- At his 2 month check up yesterday the little man was 10 lb, 5 oz( 8th percentile) 22.75 in long (34th percentile) and head circumference was 15.5 inches (60th percentile). We have a growing boy!!
Health- Reflux comes and goes, but it doesn't seem to make him too uncomfortable. Otherwise healthy as a horse. Had his 2 month check up, no problems. Did have to get 3 shots and he did great. He was such a snuggle bug the entire afternoon.
battle wounds and cute chubby thighs |
Diet- Breastmilk. The day feedings are starting to stretch out a bit, usually every 2 1/2-3 hours. Have been trying to get him used to the bottle, this is a struggle. We haven't found a bottle that he doesn't cry with or act like he is drowning in milk. I have a few more to try this week. When he does take a bottle it is 3 1/2 ounces. Still has lots of spit up, we have burp cloths in every room.
Cloths- Still wearing newborn onsies, but he is fitting into some of his 0-3 cloths. Not Gap though, their cloths are so wide. Small Halo sacks and 0-3 sleep sacks from Gap for pj's. I did pack up his newborn sleep sacks and a few newborn outfits. Size 1 diapers
Development- He is cooing a ton and really using his voice. He always coo's when we are in the car listening to Kenny Chesney- that a boy!! Recognizes Ross and I 's voice and his neck strength is awesome. Eyes are still blue and hair is brown.
Crying- This has gotten A TON better. It has turned to more fussing, rather than crying- AMEN. Usually has a fussy time around 11 am and again around 4 pm, but is soothed by bouncing him and walking around. Even at night if he wakes up at 415 before I get to him, he just does a cute little whimper.
Likes/Dislikes- Likes bathtime every other night, walks in the stroller, and sleeping chest to chest (but he is a heat producer). Dislikes bottles, naps in his crib, wet diapers, and stopping at stoplights when we are in the car (starts crying). Also is a homebody. When he is out of his element he gets restless and crabby.
favorite position to lay in |
Milestones- Did great at Todd and Melissa's wedding bbq- everyone was able to hold him. We all survived first set of shots!
A few words about Breastfeeding
I have always known I wanted to breastfeed, wasn't really an option in my eyes. I think it is not only an amazing bonding experience with your baby, but the health benefits are like nothing you could duplicate. Not being able to breastfeed was one of my biggest fears once Cole was born. I was scared he wouldn't latch on, which he didn't right away, or that I would have problems producing enough milk. But after a few weeks of stressing and painful nipples, it's becomes second nature.
Don't get me wrong, I don't judge or think people who formula feed their babies are wrong. Yeah, I personally think breast milk is better, but I don't think breastfeeding is for everyone. A lot of factors go into it. You have to be 100% dedicated to it in order to make it successful and easy on momma, and for some people, its just not possible. You are connected to either your baby or your pump, for however long you want to breastfeed, at all times. And remember, breastmilk is digested faster than formula, so those babies are ALWAYS HUNGRY. Like every 2 hours hungry and when they cluster feed, might as well just keep them latched on at all times. So, you might have a baby like mine that sleeps through the night from the first night home, but that doesn't mean momma gets to sleep through the night. If you want to keep your supply up and not feel like your boobs are going to explode, you gotta get up at least every 4 hours to pump. Plus this gives you a chance to build up your supply if you want to escape for a few hours and have them take a bottle of pumped milk. But don't get too excited, gotta get home and pump or feed. And please, I beg you, don't ever leave the house without breastpads, you will regret it after about 2 hours or if there is a crying baby around you. I learned my lesson with a trip to pick Cole up a few items and it was crying baby day inside Baby Gap. My grey tee had little wet marks, not the look I was going for.
So, what could possibly go wrong if your not dedicated??First, if you don't express milk enough, you have the potential for clogged ducts and god forbid, mastitis. Ain't no one got time for that. Trust me, when your baby is sleeping at night, the last thing you want to do is get up and pump, but you have to. Then there are the sore, bleeding nipples, I LOVE YOU LANOLIN. Oh, and having to buy a new wardrobe that easily accommodates to breast feeding isn't something you think of. But trust me, at 3 am, you don't wanna mess around with anything but a simple snap. And then you have the stress of 'what about when I go back to work'? It seriously is not for the weak. I commend any momma that exclusively breast feeds for any amount of time, it's a lifestyle and you do have to mold your life around it. And then you have the possibility of baby having sensitivities or allergies to food you are eating, this we will touch on in a bit-no bueno.
Enough of the not so glamorous sides of breast feeding, lets get to the good stuff. Breast feeding has taught me to chill. You can't multitask while feeding, so it forces me to sit, and enjoy my baby. And have you seen the price of formula these days, holy crap. So, just think of the money you are saving that can go towards cute little baby cloths or more Lanolin (seriously, its that good). I am not even going to go into the health and physical benefits for momma and baby of breast feeding. I think everyone knows and if not, just think, we make milk for a reason, its made to sustain life and help baby be as healthy and happy as possible. And the convenience of it is awesome. I leave the house with Cole and all I really need are a few diapers and wipes. No bottles, formula, bottled water, just the boob-check!!
My journey started off rough, Cole wouldn't latch on and I wasn't making much at first, and that led to him not gaining weight properly and me stressing out to a point that I couldn't sleep. Well just when we were thinking we would have to supplement and my heart sinking, it just fell into place. He started eating like a champ and I was a milk machine. Now, only 2 months in, I have an entire freezer full of milk for when I go back to work or need some alone time at Target and daddy can give him a bottle. It was tough like I said above, getting up in the middle of the night to pump, but now it's just part of my schedule. I will take it if it means Cole sleeps 9 hours at night. And, it does suck that I can't go to far from my baby or pump for too long, but I am ok with it. I dedicated myself to this and all that comes with it. So, for the weddings coming up, I either have to leave early to come home and pump/feed or get a very large clutch that my pump can fit in-does Coach make that yet?? And once I start back to work, even though I may have crazy busy days, i am going to have to find time to pump.
At about 1 month of age, I started noticing Cole being extra fussy, having some mucous in his poop and being a little gassy. Well, I went to the all knowledgeable Dr. Google (fyi-STAY AWAY), and it was sounding like my baby had a dairy intolerance. I was eating greek yogurt at least twice a day and loved sharp cheddar cheese for a pre-dinner snack. So, I took a 2 week hiatus from dairy, not fun, and noticed a little change, but didn't know if it was from him maturing into a fun little 2 month old, or if he really was sensitive. Well, I went back on dairy, and nothing changed. Then, my mind was going a million miles a minute and I was thinking he was allergic to something else, the eggs I eat on a daily basis, nuts, didn't like the my morning caffeine fix??? I was driving myself and Ross crazy. Before I went to a water and toast diet, I gave myself a break. Stopped worrying and just decided I am trying to find an excuse why I have a fussy baby. Food sensitivities and allergies are not as common as people think, but it does happen. Lets keep our fingers crossed that I was being dramatic (shocker).
Overall, my experience has been very good. I read A TON about what helps and what hurts breast feeding and everything associated with it- like I said, I am in for the long haul and wanted to be fully educated. It's not just something you can do, its a lifestyle in my eyes, for however long you choose. So, if I could just leave you with a few tips that have made my experience a positive one;
*Do not go more than 4-5 hours without feeding or pumping, it will hurt and could potentially affect your milk production.
* Eat lots of good healthy fats. Nut butter, avocado's, raw nuts, and salmon to name a few. And oatmeal in my eyes, is the best food to keep milk production up. Don't know why, it just is. Plus it keeps you full if you don't get to another meal for awhile.
* Do not try to diet or cut calories while breastfeeding. Your body needs calories to make milk, if it doesn't get it, it won't make milk.
* WATER, WATER , WATER. I am talking 3-4 liters a day. Put a bottle of water wherever you nurse and finish the entire thing while you nurse.
* Get your sleep. Stress and sleep deprivation can also cause low milk production.
*Buy a good pump. I have the Medela double pump and that bad boy can get all the milk out in 10 minutes, that is very tolerable. My insurance company would have paid for some lower grade pump, but I did not want to mess around with pumping for 30 minutes at a time. I love my Medela.
* Buy a supportive sports bra for when you get the ok to return to working out. I mean so tight you can barely get the sucker on. Nothing hurts more than bouncy boobs that are already sensitive and growing by the minute.
* Educate your significant other about breast feeding. Just because we have the goods, doesn't mean they shouldn't know everything about it too. Especially about the care of breastmilk. How long and where it can be stored and how to prepare are most important.
*Buy at least 3-4 extra sets of parts. No one wants to wash and sterilize parts in the middle of the night.
* Lansinoh brand Lanolin, its thick like butta baby and feels so good on the nips.
*Boppy's work great for propping baby, but the Breastfriend is the bomb, highly recommend.
*Invest in a nice chair to nurse in, you will be spending lots of time in that special place!!
* Make lots of room in the freezer. I didn't anticipate making as much milk as I have. And now the frozen chicken breast have little room to mingle.
* Last, but certainly not least. Enjoy each feeding. It doesn't last long and its such an amazing bonding time. I love my time with Cole, listening to Kenny Chesney, rocking in our chair( not blue though- for the KC fans).
So, like I said, breastfeeding isn't for everyone. The most important thing is to make your decision, and stick with it. Don't second guess yourself. If you formula feed and your kid is sick all the time, don't wonder if it would have been different with breastfeeding, you'll drive yourself nuts. You are doing what works for you. And if you are bound and determined to breastfeed, its going to suck for a few weeks and you will probably shed a few tears. But I promise, it gets easier and you will be so happy you stuck with it!
Don't get me wrong, I don't judge or think people who formula feed their babies are wrong. Yeah, I personally think breast milk is better, but I don't think breastfeeding is for everyone. A lot of factors go into it. You have to be 100% dedicated to it in order to make it successful and easy on momma, and for some people, its just not possible. You are connected to either your baby or your pump, for however long you want to breastfeed, at all times. And remember, breastmilk is digested faster than formula, so those babies are ALWAYS HUNGRY. Like every 2 hours hungry and when they cluster feed, might as well just keep them latched on at all times. So, you might have a baby like mine that sleeps through the night from the first night home, but that doesn't mean momma gets to sleep through the night. If you want to keep your supply up and not feel like your boobs are going to explode, you gotta get up at least every 4 hours to pump. Plus this gives you a chance to build up your supply if you want to escape for a few hours and have them take a bottle of pumped milk. But don't get too excited, gotta get home and pump or feed. And please, I beg you, don't ever leave the house without breastpads, you will regret it after about 2 hours or if there is a crying baby around you. I learned my lesson with a trip to pick Cole up a few items and it was crying baby day inside Baby Gap. My grey tee had little wet marks, not the look I was going for.
So, what could possibly go wrong if your not dedicated??First, if you don't express milk enough, you have the potential for clogged ducts and god forbid, mastitis. Ain't no one got time for that. Trust me, when your baby is sleeping at night, the last thing you want to do is get up and pump, but you have to. Then there are the sore, bleeding nipples, I LOVE YOU LANOLIN. Oh, and having to buy a new wardrobe that easily accommodates to breast feeding isn't something you think of. But trust me, at 3 am, you don't wanna mess around with anything but a simple snap. And then you have the stress of 'what about when I go back to work'? It seriously is not for the weak. I commend any momma that exclusively breast feeds for any amount of time, it's a lifestyle and you do have to mold your life around it. And then you have the possibility of baby having sensitivities or allergies to food you are eating, this we will touch on in a bit-no bueno.
Enough of the not so glamorous sides of breast feeding, lets get to the good stuff. Breast feeding has taught me to chill. You can't multitask while feeding, so it forces me to sit, and enjoy my baby. And have you seen the price of formula these days, holy crap. So, just think of the money you are saving that can go towards cute little baby cloths or more Lanolin (seriously, its that good). I am not even going to go into the health and physical benefits for momma and baby of breast feeding. I think everyone knows and if not, just think, we make milk for a reason, its made to sustain life and help baby be as healthy and happy as possible. And the convenience of it is awesome. I leave the house with Cole and all I really need are a few diapers and wipes. No bottles, formula, bottled water, just the boob-check!!
My journey started off rough, Cole wouldn't latch on and I wasn't making much at first, and that led to him not gaining weight properly and me stressing out to a point that I couldn't sleep. Well just when we were thinking we would have to supplement and my heart sinking, it just fell into place. He started eating like a champ and I was a milk machine. Now, only 2 months in, I have an entire freezer full of milk for when I go back to work or need some alone time at Target and daddy can give him a bottle. It was tough like I said above, getting up in the middle of the night to pump, but now it's just part of my schedule. I will take it if it means Cole sleeps 9 hours at night. And, it does suck that I can't go to far from my baby or pump for too long, but I am ok with it. I dedicated myself to this and all that comes with it. So, for the weddings coming up, I either have to leave early to come home and pump/feed or get a very large clutch that my pump can fit in-does Coach make that yet?? And once I start back to work, even though I may have crazy busy days, i am going to have to find time to pump.
At about 1 month of age, I started noticing Cole being extra fussy, having some mucous in his poop and being a little gassy. Well, I went to the all knowledgeable Dr. Google (fyi-STAY AWAY), and it was sounding like my baby had a dairy intolerance. I was eating greek yogurt at least twice a day and loved sharp cheddar cheese for a pre-dinner snack. So, I took a 2 week hiatus from dairy, not fun, and noticed a little change, but didn't know if it was from him maturing into a fun little 2 month old, or if he really was sensitive. Well, I went back on dairy, and nothing changed. Then, my mind was going a million miles a minute and I was thinking he was allergic to something else, the eggs I eat on a daily basis, nuts, didn't like the my morning caffeine fix??? I was driving myself and Ross crazy. Before I went to a water and toast diet, I gave myself a break. Stopped worrying and just decided I am trying to find an excuse why I have a fussy baby. Food sensitivities and allergies are not as common as people think, but it does happen. Lets keep our fingers crossed that I was being dramatic (shocker).
Overall, my experience has been very good. I read A TON about what helps and what hurts breast feeding and everything associated with it- like I said, I am in for the long haul and wanted to be fully educated. It's not just something you can do, its a lifestyle in my eyes, for however long you choose. So, if I could just leave you with a few tips that have made my experience a positive one;
*Do not go more than 4-5 hours without feeding or pumping, it will hurt and could potentially affect your milk production.
* Eat lots of good healthy fats. Nut butter, avocado's, raw nuts, and salmon to name a few. And oatmeal in my eyes, is the best food to keep milk production up. Don't know why, it just is. Plus it keeps you full if you don't get to another meal for awhile.
my breastfeeding power food |
* Do not try to diet or cut calories while breastfeeding. Your body needs calories to make milk, if it doesn't get it, it won't make milk.
* WATER, WATER , WATER. I am talking 3-4 liters a day. Put a bottle of water wherever you nurse and finish the entire thing while you nurse.
* Get your sleep. Stress and sleep deprivation can also cause low milk production.
*Buy a good pump. I have the Medela double pump and that bad boy can get all the milk out in 10 minutes, that is very tolerable. My insurance company would have paid for some lower grade pump, but I did not want to mess around with pumping for 30 minutes at a time. I love my Medela.
* Buy a supportive sports bra for when you get the ok to return to working out. I mean so tight you can barely get the sucker on. Nothing hurts more than bouncy boobs that are already sensitive and growing by the minute.
Moving Comfort sports bras are a must |
* Educate your significant other about breast feeding. Just because we have the goods, doesn't mean they shouldn't know everything about it too. Especially about the care of breastmilk. How long and where it can be stored and how to prepare are most important.
*Buy at least 3-4 extra sets of parts. No one wants to wash and sterilize parts in the middle of the night.
* Lansinoh brand Lanolin, its thick like butta baby and feels so good on the nips.
*Boppy's work great for propping baby, but the Breastfriend is the bomb, highly recommend.
*Invest in a nice chair to nurse in, you will be spending lots of time in that special place!!
my special place |
* Make lots of room in the freezer. I didn't anticipate making as much milk as I have. And now the frozen chicken breast have little room to mingle.
* Last, but certainly not least. Enjoy each feeding. It doesn't last long and its such an amazing bonding time. I love my time with Cole, listening to Kenny Chesney, rocking in our chair( not blue though- for the KC fans).
So, like I said, breastfeeding isn't for everyone. The most important thing is to make your decision, and stick with it. Don't second guess yourself. If you formula feed and your kid is sick all the time, don't wonder if it would have been different with breastfeeding, you'll drive yourself nuts. You are doing what works for you. And if you are bound and determined to breastfeed, its going to suck for a few weeks and you will probably shed a few tears. But I promise, it gets easier and you will be so happy you stuck with it!
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