Sunday, March 31, 2013

Baby Gardner- 27 weeks

I think he/I have doubled in size the past week-wow

How far along? 27 weeks
Total weight gain.  about 18 pounds, will find out for sure Friday at our appt
Baby Development. His skin is still wrinkly; but he basically looks how he will look when I give birth to him. He is practicing breathing on a regular basis and is always exploring his environment by grabbing onto anything including the umbilical cord and genitalia.
Maternity Clothes? Still using a few pair of maternity pants with my stuff thrown in with it
Stretch Marks? Still clear
Sleep? Sleeping well, just waking up with a slight low back ache due to sleeping on my side
Best Moment of the week? Having my sisters feel his kicks and Jordan even got to feel some hiccups. Also get a little shopping done for him, cloths, dresser, and things for the nursery.
Symptoms? Get so full so fast, running out of room in there
Food cravings? Nothing in particular. Had a crazy craving for carrot cake cheesecake, but it has passed.
Miss anything? Not really, just starting to feel 'pregnant'- its a little more work to do simple things, tie my shoes, get out of bed.
Movement? Yep, lots of moving going on
Gender ? Little baby boy
Belly Button in or out?In, but working its way up
Goals for upcoming week? Finally get the nursery painted, get the dresser put together, get my life together. I feel like between going to MN and Ross being gone the week before that, I am a little off. Ready for a productive week! The nice weather will give me a little push too
Looking Forward to?  Our 28 week appt is Friday, cannot wait to enter the 3rd trimester. 
Thoughts? Its going soooo fast. How am I in my 3rd Trimester?? I am feeling a little overwhelmed with things to do. AHHHH, need to get organized.

1 comment:

  1. I bet you are super organized, it just that darn nesting that keeps you thinking you have everything stil a mess! Looking great! :)
